connects your brand to your audience. perfectly aligns you with the citizens of Canterbury, be they everyday householders, the style conscious, the student community, tourists or business professionals. delivers the best combination of entertainment, fashion, movies, news, sport, lifestyle and business coverage in an environmentally-friendly, digital form. Our advertising opportunities are also ideal for reaching expats and international tourists.

Advertising choices include:

  • Banners (IAB standard and unique) Banners (IAB standard and unique)
  • Site sponsorship, Weekly Specials, Features and Marketplace
  • Competitions (delivering Brand and Content Marketing opportunities with viewer interaction)
  • Integrated online-offline strategic marketing
  • Full-service PR solutions

To talk to us about advertising for your brand or business, or for Advertising Agency - service-provider accreditation - please email us.

Interested in being a Franchisee?

Our Company focuses on Geo-Domains and our portfolio of .TV 'city websites' is world-class. We provide information benefitting residents, business travellers, students, tourists, and expats to many of the world's most iconic cities.

Our Operating entity, Enlightened Cities Limited, develops and operates 'city websites' associated to Domain Name Assets of Lightspeed Capital Limited, and does so via exclusive license. We offer the best .TV city website - viewer, advertiser and service provider - platform, accessable across laptops, desktops, tablets, internet phones and internet TVs. In terms of .TV city websites, our Geo-Domain network includes major cities of Australia, New Zealand, South-East Asia, India, the United Kingdom and Europe.

We are an entrepreneurial company with a focused vision. We want to be the number one 'city website' .TV Geo-Domain business. Our ambition is to be the most user-friendly, and family friendly, provider of information on the internet. We believe that working with our Company should be both rewarding and enjoyable. We pride ourselves on long-term Client relationships, low staff turnover and love that we inspire hard work, outperformance and loyalty amongst our team members. Our people share a common outlook - dedication to excellence and enjoyment.

Experienced TMT service providers are welcome to discuss with us, submissions for operating one (1) or more than one (1) 'city website' in our .TV network, via an exclusive time-based license agreement with our Company, or as a potential, future, Franchisee. Once we launch our Franchise service, the following processes will be typical:

What we look for in a Franchisee

Our objective for Franchisees is to ensure that every Franchisee in our network shares our goal in being both respectful and successful representatives of the cities we provide .TV 'city websites'. For potential Franchisees, we look for the following attributes:

  • Entrepreneurial spirit and flair
  • Strong leadership and interpersonal skills
  • Good financial and marketing skills
  • Good administration and compliance skills
  • Passion and commitment and drive to succeed
  • Capability to work in a media-oriented organisation

How can I apply to become a Franchisee?

There are two (2) standard ways of applying to become an authorised Franchisee, licensed by us to operate one (1) or more of our 'city websites':

(1) Apply to purchase a new Franchise - if your application is successful, you gain the right to operate one of our 'city websites' as per our Terms and Conditions and control procedures, for a period of three (3) years with a three (3) year option.

(2) Apply to purchase an existing Franchise that is qualified for being sold - if your application is successful, you gain the right to operate one of our 'city websites' as per our Terms and Conditions and control procedures, for any remaining period of an existing three (3) years, with a three (3) year option. Please contact us for further information on any existing Franchisee 'city websites' that may currently be available and open to application.

Initial Process:

Once you have comprehensively reviewed this Franchise information of our Website and believe you can satisfy the initial criteria listed in this Franchise information section, the initial process is typically as follows:

  • You email our Company and include your full name, address, contact information and Company details, along with the name(s) of the location(s) you are interested in and declare that you are formally interested in being considered, by us, to be one of our Company's authorised 'city website' Franchisees;
  • Our Franchise Development representative will process your email. You accept the fact that, we reserve the right to either respond or not reply, to your correspondence. If you receive an email reply, you may be required to provide additional information, complete and sign a confidentiality form and or be invited to engage in further communications and qualifications, by us, before be potentially emailed a Franchisee application form;
  • If we determine, at our sole discretion, to send you/your partners/your associates applications or documents or request for information to be provided, you accept that we can request it be returned to us either by print and or electronic email, at our determination, and requests must be completed to our satisfaction before more detailed Company information can be shared;
  • Prospective Franchisees/partners/associates may be requested to travel to meet us, at locations determined by us, to present for a series of meetings with our Company and nominated representatives and or with our support team (for example, legal and accounting support), to establish and assist determination of a workable relationship of the Parties;
  • A next round of discussion on 'city website' or 'city websites' will be completed, with topics including, but not limited to, dates scheduled for initiation of Franchise commencement (subject to final contractual agreement), and Terms and Conditions that Franchisees are required to meet, and adhere to, to both qualify and stay as a valid Franchisee. Depending on the level of prior knowledge of the applicant, discussion will also include the levels of expected understanding of the technologies and processes used by our Company in operating and providing a 'city website'. You accept that our Company does not provide any training or any type of 'training programme' and that we act on the basis that as part of any formal agreement between Parties, prospective Franchisees/partners/associates, and their legal and other advisers, accept that responsibility remains on the prospective Franchisee, at all times during the life of a Franchise, to have the capacity to operate a 'city website' to a level acceptable to our Company and, at all times, to only display and promote brands, commercial and charitable enterprises and any other materials, be they displayed on a Website or displayed or communicated via electronic, digital or print or by any other means, as per our Terms and Conditions. You/your partners/your associates/your legal and any other advisers accept that, any breach of our very controlled procedures is a breach of our Terms and Conditions and we reserve the right to terminate a Franchise in any instance of a breach of our controlled procedures and Terms and Conditions. Information, additional to this, is provided, by our Company, should we engage further with prospective Franchisees.

Next Steps

If you think you have got what it takes to join us as one of our 'city website' Franchisees, please email us. - Your perfect partner to connect your enterprise or brand to your audience.

Our strategic communication services add mutually beneficial relationships between your organisation and the public. Direct, 24/7 value-add support for your client-facing staff and back office. We have experience working with contracted re-sellers, affiliates and third-party media and PR Agencies for global and national brand name companies. When we help connect your product or service - we can help connect it through unrivalled, 'geo-location' city-based websites and can do so in your city, in your country and internationally.

Coupled with our digital expertise we can include bespoke solutions with support of our Agency partners for PR campaigns, where celebrities or models for physical product promotions can, point-of-presence, endorse and support a product or service - the net benefit, your enterprise gains enhanced brand awareness, consumer interest and credibility. 

With city websites, throughout the United Kingdom, Australia, South-East Asia, India and Europe we offer unrivalled capabilities to deliver a consistent PR programme that can deliver an online, digital, general awareness build and support platform of your product, service, or brand - which can be supplemented at a specific 'city level' through a comprehensive, physical PR endorsement and direct marketing, advertising effort. 

We work in all areas of PR, including brand and product launches, re-branding campaigns, event management, press conferences, speeches and opening nights. We are your ideal partner for Celebrity and Executive PR and offer - multi-city media releases - via the internet. Our campaign solutions support you in having consumers perceive your talent, brand or business differently to a traditional, generic, advertisement. Most of all, we help present your goods and services as customers would like to associate with them. 

To talk to our Company about a PR campaign for your brand or business, or for Agency service-provider accreditation with our Company, please email us.

Cover Banners
1140 x 640 pixels
Display Regions
Home Page
Campaign Times
1 month to 12 months
Directory Page Banners
800 x 450 pixels
Display Regions
Campaign Times
1 month to 12 months
Half Page Banners
300 x 600 pixels
Display Regions
Directory & Features
Campaign Times
1 month to 12 months
Medium Rectangle
300 x 250 pixels
Display Regions
Directory & Features
Campaign Times
1 month to 12 months
Public Relations
City or Global delivery
Brand Promotion
Online, Offline, in-Store
24/7 integrated interface
Strategic Marketing
Everything You Need
Multiple Languages
Reach your Clients
Competitive and Efficient
Enhance Brand Awareness
Communicate to Clients
Prizes, Entrants, Results
Interactive Marketing Experience


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